3 May 2011

Sweetly Scented Zinc and Enamel

It is always a pleasure to find old vintage zinc and enamelled containers at car boot sales, flee markets, Etsy, ebay or loppis.
Some people say you can't have too many! I guess your limit depends how much storage you have.
Old zinc and old enamel are two materials that age gracefully. A few little dents and even chips does not matter too much.
It is a lot of fun to have a few at hand when you want to make a flower arrangement or hide an ugly plastic pot.

Strong colours like these purple Alliums looks great against the matt grey of the zinc.

White Jasmine with delicate pink buds also shows up well against the mellow grey.


I put two different fragrant thyme in the zinc draw. 

The beautiful Jasmine went in a French enamel container still with its charming writing on it.

Have a sunny day where ever you are!

xoxo Ingrid


Agni said...

Lovely !


Detta var verkligen i min smak! Vacker zink och stilfullt men samtidigt enkelt sammansatt. I really liked this - a little bit rough and beautiful at the same time.

Frances said...

Ingrid, these arrangements are so lovely, with their explorations of how pink, silvery grey, gentle greens and creamy whites can yield original combinations.

Over here in New York, year ago, it was possible to come across delightful old items in flea markets or casual antique markets. Nowadays, I when I walk though similar (but not anywhere nearly as richly stocked) markets, I usually think ... hold on, I have something at home that is more interesting that this bunch. Let me just go get myself some white, or red, or pink flowers, or some greenery with some ooomph. I can do something with what I have.

Yet. When I see a post like this one of yours, I realize that I can definitely use some inspiration.

Thank you! xo

Sanne said...

Dear Ingrid ,

your zinc pots are soooooooooo beautiful and the flowers inside...looks great tht lilac of the Allium and the grey...love it !!!

Have a great springweek,

all the best,

flwrjane said...


I have a case of I want 'ems.

xo jane

Verena said...

Oh what a nice idea! Very beautiful!

Sophia Callmer said...

Härligt med allium, längtar när jag ser dina bilder, här dröjer de några veckor. Just nu är det så mycket att plåta och det fortsätter ett tag framöver,roligt men väldigt intensivt. kram Sophia

Linda said...

Beautiful photos here!!
So happy to have found you to follow!

Anonymous said...

Did you do this post just for me? :) I love zinc and enamel pots! The purple allium are so beautiful when they come out. I love to hit the flea markets to look for all kinds of interesting containers to hold my herbs. What you've created is always beautiful. This is really photography at its best.

Happy Mothers Day!

Lisa Gordon said...

Stopping by for my dose of gorgeousness, and I am never, ever disappointed Ingrid!
You are amazingly talented in your composition and photography!

Aprendeconvale said...

I adore alliums! It is a such elegant flower!!! and zinc pots are perfect to embellish a corner:-)))

Nedj said...

Ohhh I love this combination of zinc pots and growing ...
I have a collection of old watering cans and old milk jugs offered by my love ..
I agree with you, lots of charm as zinc!

Unknown said...

Oh your white Jasmine is gorgeous I love it in that container too. Your ideas inspire me honey
Kat x

Angel.Pearls said...

Så vackert -en underbar kombination med zink och allium! Ha det gott!! Eva

marrya said...

Beautiful...these picture are made in your garden??? i am in love...i am dreaming to have my own garden with lots of flowers.

Fru C said...

Oj då...finns det fler 'zinkomaner' trodde bara det var jag ;)

Tammy said...

Ingrid - what a gorgeously pretty blog! I'm in France now surrounded by Muguet - Lily of the Valley and may have to dig out some old zinc in your honour. Happy May xxx

Mimi said...

Love these zinc and enamel pails too. Been thinking of what to put in front of our flower shop. The zinc buckets filled with potted flowers will look great.

jacqueline said...

Dearest Ingrid, such gorgeous display and i love these containers...so beautiful! Happy mother's day and i hope you had a lovely merry happy celebration! Love to you!

Madelief said...

Dear Ingrid,

I loved the combination of zinc and especially pastel and white flowers. The alliums look great. I have some in my garden as well. Normally they start getting into bloom at the end of May, but they already look their best right now. What a bit of sunshine and hight temperatures can do.....

Happy wednesday!

Lieve groet,

Madelief x

Jenn said...

Gorgeous photos. I don't know much about zinc pots (other than they're pretty) so would aging zinc seep any harmful chemical into the dirt poisoning the plant or should I only plant certain types of plants in a zinc pot? I've got a few old zinc pots laying around but I don't want to kill anything, kwim!?!

Thanks Ingrid for some gorgeous Spring pictures. :D

Britt said...

Vackra kärl blommorna står i//Britt

Georgianna said...

Not sure how I missed this, Ingrid. (I'll blame Blogger!)

The zinc containers are such classic elements and allium are one of my very favorites in the garden. I never want to cut them, though! But this looks so great, I'll have to give it a try.

Wishing you a sunny Sunday in London! – g

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