The outside is a beautiful coral-pink and inside are orange coloured seeds.
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De hängande frukterna på Euonymus alatus/Vingbenved är praktfulla på höstkanten.
Utsidan är en vacker korallröd och inuti sitter orangeröda frön. Här hittar du fler deltagare i Today's Flowers.
What a nicely shaped fruits! Are they edible?
where was this taken / sandy
I am not sure I have seen that flower. I wish I had - it is beautiful!
They are so pretty, and I have not seen those flowers before! Thanks for the link, I have come to know more about its origin!
Vackert och så färgstarkt!//Eva
Vingad benved åhh, I like. Har en liten buske i min trädgård.
Very fancy and pretty seedpods. I faintly remember them, so have not seen those for a long time.
So pretty, and your photograph is striking.
That is a beautiful flower.
MOther Nature co-ordinates colors beautifully..she is the best designer!
We can take note in combining these colors in fashion!Love this charming blossom!
Växter som ger röda "klickar" i höstmörkret är underbara & så värdefulla för våra själar!
Tack för du ger vacker bild på så´n sorts "terapi"!;-)
Lovely picture..
Thank you for sharing!
This plant is an invasive species of woodlands in eastern North America
They certainly are spectacular. Great photo!
What a great entry you have! Worth visiting here. Mine is up. God Bless! Hope to see you around.
what a lovely dangling fruit, love its red color.
How beautiful--and multi-faceted. I'm wondering if the birds like this shrub?
A beautiful shot, the segmented bright fruit looks so like flowers.
Very nice shot! They are very beautiful.
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