I'm back with 'Flowers of the Month' - where I'm highlighting all the different flowers I have used during the month of December.
The name of the flower - under the image - is also a link to the post where I featured the flower.

Skimmia japonica 'Rubella' - 'A Bunch for the Weekend' - December 26

Cyclamen as Cut Flowers - 'Tiny Blooms' -
29 December

Amaryllis, Christmas Cactus and Holly - 'FLOWERS by ingrid and titti-
Happy New Year!' - 31 December

Cyclamen as Cut Flowers - 'Tiny Blooms' -
29 December

Amaryllis, Christmas Cactus and Holly - 'FLOWERS by ingrid and titti-
Happy New Year!' - 31 December
I hope you have enjoyed the month of December in all its floral winter glory!
Here are links to some of the previous months flowers:
Here are links to some of the previous months flowers:
Have a wonderful Floral Day and I will be back next month with another 'Flowers of the Month' - but before that I will see you again next week!
~ xoxo ~
[Styling and photography © Ingrid Henningsson for Of Spring and Summer.]
Your flowers are so lovely!
I wish you 2015 filled with good health and happiness!
Så vackert! Vad du kan!
Ha en fin helg!
Underbara allihop!
Dear Ingrid! Sooooo much beauty in this post!!!
Have a happy happy happy New Year and all my best
Hej du blomsterflicka. God fortsättning på dig. Kul att du visade alla för jag har inte varit så flitig på bloggen.
Nu längtar jag efter vårens blommor.
Ha det gott
Bonjour chère amie,
C'est toujours un véritable plaisir que de visiter votre blog avec de si belles photos qui mettent en valeur les fleurs qui sans elles la vie serait bien tristounette !
Tous mes voeux de bonheur pour 2015.
Gros bisous
Mes fleurs préférées dans cette sélection sont les amaryllis et les skimmia ! très joli.
Happy New year !
Beautiful flowers!
Happy New year!
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