Petersham Lodge i Richmond, London var öppen för allmänheten. Organiserat av välgörenhetsorganisationen National Garden Scheme.
It felt like little Italy and a small piece of Monet's garden in Giverny.
Petersham Lodge in Richmond, London was open to the public. It was organised by the charity The National Garden Scheme.
A magnificent house covered with Rosa banksiae and Wisteria.
Vackert formklippta buxbomhäckar och fontän.
Elegant topiary box hedges with fountain.
En tjusig brygga lite i stil med Monets i Giverny.
A lovely bridge similar to Monet's i Giverny.
En imponerande halvcirkelformad pergola med Wisteria, rosor och lavendel i krukor. Bänkar i fina färger och målade trompe l'œuil på väggarna.
An impressive pergola with Wisteria, roses and lavender in pots. Benches in nice colours and painted trompe l'œuil on the walls.
Trädgården hade många statyer som alla hade åldrats vackert. Stenen hade mörknat och var täckt med mossa.
The garden had lots of statues that had aged beautifully. The stone had darkened and was covered with lichen.

På många av trappstegen runt huset fanns orientaliska krukor på rad planterade med vackra blommor.
On many of the steps outside the house were lots of oriental pots in a rows planted with beautiful flowers.

Elegant topiary box hedges with fountain.

A lovely bridge similar to Monet's i Giverny.

An impressive pergola with Wisteria, roses and lavender in pots. Benches in nice colours and painted trompe l'œuil on the walls.

The garden had lots of statues that had aged beautifully. The stone had darkened and was covered with lichen.

On many of the steps outside the house were lots of oriental pots in a rows planted with beautiful flowers.
How beautiful. THe statues are amazing. Thanks for sharing
these are lovely photos, would love to go there!
Det är så kul att titta in till dig för du har så annorlunda saker att visa och berätta.
Måste fixa en länk till dig.
Jag har liksom inte tid att blogga just nu.
Ha det gott
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