22 November 2009


The dangling fruits of Euonymus alatus are spectacular in the autumn.
The outside is a beautiful coral-pink and inside are orange coloured seeds.
Find more participants in Today's Flowers here.
De hängande frukterna på Euonymus alatus/Vingbenved är praktfulla på höstkanten.
Utsidan är en vacker korallröd och inuti sitter orangeröda frön.
Här hittar du fler deltagare i Today's Flowers.


Nance said...

What a nicely shaped fruits! Are they edible?

i beati said...

where was this taken / sandy


I am not sure I have seen that flower. I wish I had - it is beautiful!

Ebie said...

They are so pretty, and I have not seen those flowers before! Thanks for the link, I have come to know more about its origin!

Angel.Pearls said...

Vackert och så färgstarkt!//Eva

Fru C said...

Vingad benved åhh, I like. Har en liten buske i min trädgård.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

Very fancy and pretty seedpods. I faintly remember them, so have not seen those for a long time.

Leora said...

So pretty, and your photograph is striking.

My name is Riet said...

That is a beautiful flower.

Naturegirl said...

MOther Nature co-ordinates colors beautifully..she is the best designer!
We can take note in combining these colors in fashion!Love this charming blossom!

NinaH said...

Växter som ger röda "klickar" i höstmörkret är underbara & så värdefulla för våra själar!
Tack för du ger vacker bild på så´n sorts "terapi"!;-)

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture..
Thank you for sharing!
This plant is an invasive species of woodlands in eastern North America

DeniseinVA said...

They certainly are spectacular. Great photo!

ellen said...

What a great entry you have! Worth visiting here. Mine is up. God Bless! Hope to see you around.

Tulip said...

what a lovely dangling fruit, love its red color.

nonizamboni said...

How beautiful--and multi-faceted. I'm wondering if the birds like this shrub?

Arija said...

A beautiful shot, the segmented bright fruit looks so like flowers.

dana said...


Anonymous said...

Very nice shot! They are very beautiful.

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