
2 October 2017

Sandberg Wallpaper

Sandberg Wallpaper is a Swedish company that makes contemporary wallpapers. The designers are often inspired by nature and many of their wallpapers are floral. 

Enjoy the beautiful little video - for inspiration.  

Sandberg_Oas-by_Babes-in-Boyland from Sandberg Wallpaper on Vimeo.

While I was growing up in Sweden everybody had wallpaper on their walls. As a teenagers my friends and I wanted to rebel and rejected wallpaper and instead painted our walls either white or in some bright colour. 

Now wallpaper and painted walls are making a comeback. Here is a quote from Sandberg Wallpaper's blog.

"What are we putting on our walls in autumn 2017?

It has been a long time since walls have been in such close focus as they are now.

We are filling our homes with colour. Walls are being papered and painted as never before, and even the furniture is colourful.

We are becoming more adventurous and more aware in our choices, and the material is becoming more important when we decorate our homes. Wallpaper is taking centre stage without taking over.
Three massive colour trends this autumn are dark velvet green, midnight blue and deep red. We see them in all the major stores, including IKEA, Anna Elzer Oscarsson and Rededition.
We love colour. Here are some homes with decorated walls and a wonderful ambience!"  



Sandberg Wallpaper Midnatt_bild_1.jpg

[Video and images by Sandberg Wallpaper.]

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