
28 September 2017

Houseplant of the Month - Alocasia - A Tropical Superstar

Houseplants and botanicals are very trendy and has become more and more important to a lot of people. Creating space for green plants in in your home is beneficial in several ways. 

How do you start building a collection of houseplants? What should you buy if you don't know anything about the plants or how to look after them?

Read on and I will pass on some inspirational tips. 

September 2017: Das Pfeilblatt Zimmerpflanze des Monats

I grew up with a grandmother, mother, aunts and other relatives and friends who had houseplants on window sills, tables and on little plant stands in the corners. 

One relative would proudly tell anybody who wanted to listen that she had 100 houseplants. That was not very popular with the person that was asked to look after her plants when she went on holiday! 

Obviously over the years I learned a lot about how to look after houseplants and had a few myself. 

September 2017: Das Pfeilblatt Zimmerpflanze des Monats

Later on when I started traveling and lived in different countries - having houseplants was out of the question. When we started having children - houseplants was not really on the agenda.

Very few houseplants from then on found their way into our house. A few plants given as gifts quickly died but others did survive. I have one that is still going after 25 years!

If you follow me on Instagram you'll might have noticed that more and more of my images has been of houseplants. Well, I will admit that quite a few new plants has found their way into our home lately..........! 

The houseplants you can buy today, many are quite different, compared with those early days back in Sweden. But even back then we all had big Monstera and rubber plants. 

September 2017: Das Pfeilblatt Zimmerpflanze des Monats

Every month The Flower Council of Holland feature a different houseplant with details about the plant such as origin, different species and cultivars. You'll also find lots of advice on how to look after the plants.

September 2017: Das Pfeilblatt Zimmerpflanze des Monats

They also feature lots of images showing how to display the plants in your home.

September 2017: Das Pfeilblatt Zimmerpflanze des Monats

September 2017: Das Pfeilblatt Zimmerpflanze des Monats x west elm

From this month, September 2017 till December, West Elm London store in Tottenham Court Road will display a different houseplant in their windows. x west elm

This month it's Alocasia, in October it will be a selection of Green Plants, in November it will be Cyclamen and in December the plant will be Amaryllis. x west elm x west elm x west elm

Start with one or two plants and see how you get on. Before buying any figure out where you are going to put them. Plants need light, water, air and the right temperature as well as feeding during the growing season.

The trick is to find the perfect place with the perfect light level and temperature for each plant. Then the next trick is to give it the right amount of water - more houseplants are killed by overwatering than underwatering.

Embrace the green trend and above all enjoy! 

Images: The Flower Council of Holland  

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