
13 June 2012

Vintage Keys and Red Ribbons

I had so much fun creating these images. I love old keys and I love ribbons.
Here is what I did.

Jane Means ribbons

1. Collect a bunch of old vintage keys. Flea markets or car boot sales are great places to find similar keys.  If you are going to use them for decoration it might be nice if they are not too rusty or full of paint. Scrape any paint off and remove rust with wire wool. Try not to remove any of the old patina - so go gently. You don't want them to look new.

2. Select some ribbons. Matching, contrasting - they can all be different - but it is quite nice if they have something in common. I selected ribbons that all had some red colour. Two of the ribbons also have some grey dots and stripes matching the grey metal colour of the keys.
Cut a length of ribbon and thread it through the handle (the bow) of the key and simply make a knot at the top.
There are many different ways of tying the ribbon to the keys but I liked the simplicity of  leaving the ribbon lying flat and, a very simple knot and the ends of the ribbons cut at an angle. You could also cut the ends in a v-shape.

3. Keep the keys in a bowl for pure pleasure or put them back in a door or chest of drawers. They could be hung on a wall or framed they would make an attractive picture.

All the ribbons that I have used in this little project is from the lovely Jane Means and her ribbon company.

When styling the image I added some favourite vintage buttons. Again I matched the grey and the red & white with the colours in the ribbons.

Have a wonderful day!
See you soon!

Xoxo Ingrid


  1. A wonderful idea!

    Many hugs, Ingrid

  2. What fun, Ingrid! I love the colors and textures in this series. Really beautiful!

  3. This is gorgeous! :) I love coming over here and getting my dose of lovely....thanks for sharing all your hard work my is much appreciated by all of us! :)

  4. Tout comme vous j'aime les clefs anciennes... J'en utilise certaines pour éviter que ma nappe s'envole dehors...
    Une très jolie publication.
    gros bisous

  5. Lovely and so simple.
    Love your blog !!

  6. What a great collection of keys you have Ingrid! I love the different red ribbons you attached. They make your keys look even more special!

    Happy evening!

    Madelief x

  7. Gorgeous ideas and such a beautiful blog. I love your images on IG and your aesthetic is truly fabulous,

  8. Really are the most fabulous images and this is yet another wonderful composition.


  9. I love keys - gorgeous. Have a lovely weekend -
    xox Anya
    from byw

  10. pretty styling!! great photos

  11. Så fina!!

    jag har nycklar från alla möjliga platser. Det är något jag fortfarande spar på. ;) Sist jag var i London hittade jag en loppis där jag tillbringade 1 timme. Hittade en nyckellåda. Proppfull.
    Han sade när jag grävt runt där ett tag: Can I help you love? Are you looking for something special? Jag svarade: Not really just the key to my heart! Han log sitt tandlösa leende grävde i sin byxficka och fiskade fram en nyckelknippa: I think I have it here somewhere. :)
    Hittade ett gäng nycklar till min samiling. Jag har dem i möbelband runt halsen. Alltid är det någon som frågar var nytckeln passar. Jag tycker den gamla färgen och rosten tillhör nyckelns historia. jag låter dem vara. Men blir väldigt inspirerad av att göra så fint som du. Kan ju göra det med några få. Har ju väldigt många=)

    Vilka otroligt fina bilder. Det är alltid superinspiration att besöka dig.

    Ha en fin midsommar

  12. Roligt att arrangera och fixa lite vackra foton av sådant man älskar.. gillar verkligen dina foton! Gamla nycklar är så vackra och fina band därtill kan det bli bättre?.. Önskar dig en fin midsommarvecka.. kram/Moa

  13. I love the way you lead your readers through the process you went through to set up your photos. I always look forward to your posts.

  14. Hello, What a great idea! They are placed just right.I have a hard time finding old keys out my way. Anna

  15. Beautiful! Love the vintage keys and the ribbon is divine - kat x
