
3 June 2012

Three Little Green Pitchers

I love this little collection of pitchers. All different in shape and texture but all the same light green colour and all from the 1940's or 1950's. 

A collection however small needs to have a common link between the objects. The link can be really anything from colour, function, style, shapes or age and brought together will make an interesting and loved collection.

My small collection of similar jugs consists of these three smaller green ones and two larger light blue ones. They all sit on a shelf in my kitchen and they are often used as handy little vases. 

You have probably noticed that I am very keen on ribbons and I love adding them to anything I can. Here I have tied short pieces of ribbon to the handles of the pitchers as decoration. I have kept the colours to green and light grey as I did not want to bring attention away from the pretty colours of the flowers.

Almost all my ribbons comes from the lovely lady Jane Means. She designs her own ribbons and sells them on-line. She also does gift wrapping workshops and demonstrations.

I have very simply used a short piece of ribbon and just made a knot. I did not do a bow as I did not want to make it looking too sweet. I have left one jug empty for a bit of contrast. 

Yes, I am using hessian again. I love the texture and colour of hessian and it gives it a bit of a rough edge to the whole arrangement. I have also again used some of the irresistible stock flowers in bright pink and purple. It is such an amazing flower - scented, beautiful and it lasts for ages!

Have a lovely week!

Xoxo Ingrid 


  1. Wonderful flowers, wonderful colors!

    Wish you a happy week! Many hugs, Ingrid

  2. such soft mellow greens. Sage and celadon?

  3. Lovely!!! Wish I knew where I could buy some stock near me!

  4. Oh, I love the stock flowers with their delicious fragrance. You made a beautiful creation with the soft green of the jugs.

  5. Love your greenery!! :)

    I must check out your ribbon girl at once. Thank you for inspiration.

    Rain with a blue sky in Sweden how is that possible ;)

    Have a lively week

  6. Så söta små kannor.. helt ljuvliga i sin ljust gröna gammaldags färg. Att de sedan passar så bra till blommorna är ju en extra bonus. Har också några som används sommartid med små buketter i, helt ljuvligt! Ha det gott/Moa

  7. Beautiful combination of colors and textures, very inspiring!!Hugs.

  8. These greens, the shapes of the little jugs, and the patterns of the ribbon are absolutely delightful. I like the simple knot instead of a bow. The overall vignette is just so smile-inducing. I have got to go to the ribbon lady's site, thanks for the link!!

  9. Your photos and choice of flowers are wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  10. I absolutely love the combination of colours, pink / purple and green.. I could maybe colour my nails llike that.. hehe..

  11. ooh! your photo's are lovely! I'm visiting from BYW!

  12. I'm so in love! What a great styling you got going there Ingrid! Hellow from fellow BYW~
