
14 April 2017

A Bunch for the Weekend - # 108 - Happy Easter!

It's time for another 'A Bunch for the Weekend' and this week it's also Easter! It's a wonderful time of year in London - my Wisteria is about to burst into flower - with its gorgeous purple pendulous flowers. Trees and shrubs are also turning a shimmering green - and I have hayfever.........!!

Here is a little "statement" that I add - to briefly explain my thinking behind these particular posts:

"It's always a pleasure and lots of fun to buy a bunch of flowers for the weekend and in this series of blog posts, called 'A Bunch for the Weekend', I will show you how you can make quick and easy flower arrangements for your home. 

Buy the flowers where it's convenient, easy and most affordable for you whether that is from a flower stall, farmers' market, the supermarket or a florist. 

Always try to buy seasonal flowers - they will last longer and they will be a lot cheaper.

Make sure you condition the flowers as soon as you get home. Remove any foliage that will end up below the waterline in the vase. Trim the ends of the stems at an angle and put in fresh water as soon as possible."

What would we do without yellow daffodils for Easter? Well, in Sweden they are even called "Easter Lilies". So here I'm following the classic Easter theme using yellow and orange daffodils. 

As a colour contrast I have added a lot of blue and white china like little cups and some small plates. The cups are used as vases with the stems cut very short. 

The flowers on the little plates are cut even shorter and are a temporary decoration as they have no water and will not last very long. 

The flowers on the plates have barely opened up and have a much milder yellow - a beautiful contrast to the deep blue colour in the floral pattern.

I would like to wish everybody a very Happy Easter!

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral weekend!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I will be back on Sunday morning with another 'Florets - a new floral quote by someone passionate about flowers. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you back here then.


~ xoxo ~

[Flowers: Yellow and orange daffodils from my favourite local street flower stall in North West London.]

[Vase/Container: A quite big clear glass jar, Victorian blue and white floral cup and plates. All bought at one of the many London antique markets. There are also two new Royal Copenhagen cups with a redesign from a very old pattern.]

[Other props: Vintage 1930's coffee pot, a vintage basket in the background and a vintage stool - all from stylist's own prop collection.]

[Styling, photography and text © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]

P. S. Did you know that you can subscribe to receive a notification via email whenever I have a new blog post. Just fill in your email address at the top of my blog on the right.

P. S. If you are looking for more floral inspiration you can go over and have a look at my Pinterest boards. I now have just over 12 000 followers and around 200 boards all relating to flowers, flower styling and flower arranging. There are boards on individual flowers and boards showing how to arrange flowers. Other boards show different ways of using vases and containers. Simply click on the link below and it will take you straight there.


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