
1 March 2017

Arrange Your Flowers! - Top 3 Cutting Tools for Flower Arranging

This time on 'Arrange Your Flowers!' I'm very excited to tell you about my top three cutting tools that I use for flower arranging. 

One in particular that I have only starting using during the last year. It's a Japanese flower scissors from Sakagen - even though it's top on my list - it's featured last in this blog post.

During my training in floristry I learnt so much, not only about flowers but also about the different tools you use. So here are my three favourite ones that I could not be without!

From left to right:
1. A sturdy pair of scissors
2. A pair of florist scissors
3. A pair of secateurs

The Japanese florist scissors and the secateurs will be an investment - BUT it is so worth it - especially if flower arranging is something you will be doing a lot of.

I will describe in more detail below why you are going to need all three.

A pair of secateurs is invaluable for cutting thick and woody stems. Branches that are too thick for the florist scissors to deal with. It will also be a lot kinder to your hands as you will not need to use as much force while cutting. 

As I said before they are an investment but if you look after them they will last a lifetime. The pair above is from Felco and comes in many different styles and sizes depending on how you are going to use them and what size hands you have. I have had this pair for twenty years and it's still the best I've ever used.

A sturdy pair of scissors is also invaluable to have available for cutting wrapping paper, cellophane, rubber bands and anything else that pops up in flower arranging.

They will quickly go blunt so stay away from cutting flower stems. The one I have has stainless steel blades - so it doesn't rust.

Last but not least a few words about these Japanese flower scissors that quite recently came into my floral world. It's the best cutting tool I have ever used. It's light, very sharp and it doesn't crush the stems but makes a clean cut. It's also very comfortable to handle with slightly padded handles so it won't hurt your hands if do a lot of cutting.

There are a few different brands that are almost identical. This particular one that I have is a brand called Sakagen and you can buy it on the internet.

So far I have been very happy with it and I hope that will continue. I do have one word of warning - they are extremely sharp so you will always have to be very careful!    

This is only the second blog post since I relaunched this monthly series of blog posts called 'Arrange Your Flowers! 

Here is a link to the first post in the series that I started back in 2014. The first one was called 'Essential Tools for Cut Flowers' also showing a few other things that I use in my flower arranging . 

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral Wednesday!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I look forward to seeing you on Friday - when I'll be back with another 'A Bunch for the Weekend'. The bunch you buy just to lift the spirit and to have something pretty to look at over the weekend.


~ xoxo ~

[Styling, photography and text © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]
P. S. Did you know that you can subscribe to receive a notification via email whenever I have a new blog post. Just fill in your email address at the top of my blog on the right.

P. S. If you are looking for more floral inspiration you can go over and have a look at my Pinterest boards. I now have just over 12 000 followers and around 200 boards all relating to flowers, flower styling and flower arranging. There are boards on individual flowers and shows how to arrange them. Other boards show different ways of using vases and containers. Simply click on the link below and it will take you straight there.


  1. Intressant inlägg! Det där med sekatörer är jag dålig på...oftast glömmer jag dom ute vintertid och hittar dom helt rostiga! Ska skärpa mig!
    Hörs i morgon vännen :)
    Kram Titti

  2. Hello Ingrid,
    you know I am always looking in your blog, to see how to arrange the flowers from my garden.
    So I am special interested to the Japanese flower scissor. Can you tell me which model it is?
    Kind regards
    Braunelle (Uta)
