
19 February 2017

Florets - Floral Quote - # 140 - by Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo

'Florets - Floral Quote' is a series of blog posts where I feature quotes by authors - mostly well known but you will also find some obscure ones.

All of them have written one or several books about flowers, gardening, interior styling or interior design. Many are experts in their field but what is the most important is that they are all passionate about flowers.

I love books and in my ever growing library I look for quotes that I hope will be both helpful and useful for everybody who is arranging and styling flowers.

These spring beauties can sometimes be difficult to work with because of their bendy stems and ever-changing shape. They continue to grow after they are cut, so trim them a bit shorter than you normally would when you first use them in an arrangement. If you leave enough space in your arrangement to account for movement and growth, their opening process is a pleasure to watch."

 ~ Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo ~

[Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo: Founders of Studio Choo, a San Francisco based floral design studio and authors of The Flower Recipe Book and The Wreath Recipe Book.]
[Quote from: The Flower Recipe Book by Alethea Harampolis and Jill Rizzo (2013).]
[Flowers: Pink double tulips from my local flower stall in North London.] 
[Styling and photography: © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]


Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral weekend!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I will be back next week with more floral delight. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you back here then.


~ xoxo ~

P. S. Did you know that you can subscribe to receive a notification via email whenever I have a new blog post. Just fill in your email address at the top of my blog on the right.

P. S. If you are looking for more floral inspiration you can go over and have a look at my Pinterest boards. I now have just over 12 000 followers and around 200 boards all relating to flowers, flower styling and flower arranging. There are boards on individual flowers and shows how to arrange them. Other boards show different ways of using vases and containers. Simply click on the link below and it will take you straight there.


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