
15 February 2017

Creative with Flowers - # 34 - Pink Ranunculus

The Ranunculus is one of the loveliest and is also an extremely popular spring flowers. It has layers and layers of delicate petals and comes in many different colours and varieties.

This is a little "statement" that I add to the post - briefly explaining my thinking behind the posts:

"This series of blog posts - called 'Creative with Flowers' - are about using flowers in new and creative ways. It could be about how the flowers are combined - maybe in a little bit of an unusual way. It might be the choice of vase - maybe not a vase at all but a container that could be anything from jugs, bottles, jars, tins or teapots - vintage or new it doesn't matter. 

As always my arrangements will be quick and easy - and there will always be lots and lots of colour!"

Ranunculus are available from about October to April or May. When you buy them avoid buying flowers in tight bud - they usually never open up. Instead select flowers where the buds show colour.

Make sure to give them enough time to fully open up. They take a few days - so plan ahead if you are going to use them for a special occasion. 

The container I have used as a vase is a French vintage enamelled milk churn. It's decorated with hand painted lines and dots in two different blue colours.

I picked out three little vintage bottles in the same matching blue colour as on the milk churn. These bottles has such a lovely colour when the light shines through them. Worth keeping an eye out for similar at car boot sales or flea markets.

For this arrangement I have removed all the foliage - it tends to not be very nice anyway. The hollow and delicate stems tend to be prone to rot - so handle with care and put in shallow water.

The black ikat fabric is from Mexico - an interesting contrast to the vintage props and the deep pink flowers.

Enjoy your flower arranging and have a fabulous and floral Wednesday!

Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I will be back on Friday with another 'A Bunch for the Weekend' all about how to make a lovely bunch of flowers to enjoy over the weekend. 

I'm looking forward to seeing you back here then.


~ xoxo ~

[Styling, photography and text © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]
[Flowers: From my local flower stall in North London.]
[Vase/Container: French vintage enamelled milk churn.]

P. S. Did you know that you can subscribe to receive a notification via email whenever I have a new blog post. Just fill in your email address at the top of my blog on the right.

P. S. If you are looking for more floral inspiration you can go over and have a look at my Pinterest boards. I now have just over 12 000 followers and around 200 boards all relating to flowers, flower styling and flower arranging. There are boards on individual flowers and shows how to arrange them. Other boards show different ways of using vases and containers. Simply click on the link below and it will take you straight there.


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