
18 January 2017

Arrange Your Flowers! - Basic Tools for Flower Arranging

Before we know it spring will be here and with spring comes lots of spring flowers.

I have decided to relaunch my series of posts called 'Arrange your Flowers!' - so that we can be ready and know what to do with all those beautiful and stunning flowers. 

Some of what you read you will have come across before. There is very little new in the flower arranging world - apart from all the creativity we can all add to our flower arranging.

But I do have some exciting news to tell you about - since I last wrote on 'Arrange Your Flowers!' - I have trained in floristry and that will be very useful while writing these blog posts.

It makes me very happy to be able to pass on all the inside tips and tricks from the florist world. 

So this is all about arranging your own flowers - it will have do-it-yourself flower arranging ideas, tips and advice. All the advice will be very easy to follow - even if you've never done any flower arranging before. 

It will be very basic and very down to earth.

So let's start from the beginning!

These are the most basic but essential tools that you need to start doing your own flower arranging:

1. A couple of different size containers - they can be plastic or metal. Nothing fancy, it's just a container to put the flowers in after you've conditioned them. Traditionally florists flower buckets were metal - mostly zinc but now they tend to be plastic.

Also remember to keep your containers scrupulously clean! 

2. A pair of floral snippers or floral scissors - like the black handled scissors and snippers in the second image and the bottom image. Buy a pair that is comfortable to use and that will not hurt your hand - if you are using them for a long time. 

It's quite useful to have both a pair of snippers and a pair of scissors. The scissors will be useful to cut elastic bands around the flower stems and for cutting the cellophane that the flowers come wrapped in - it's easier to do that with a pair of scissors. Floral scissors or florist's scissors are a bit more sturdy and have stronger blades than a normal pair of scissors - so are also excellent, if sharp, to cut flower stems. 

In the end it's a personal choice and what you are the most comfortable using.

3. You will also need a pair of secateurs or pruners for cutting thicker stems or branches - like the red handled secateurs in the second image. If you don't already own a pair - get a good quality one - as they usually last a lifetime. 

I hope all my tips will be useful and easy to follow and that they will help to keep your flowers looking good and last longer.

Have a Creative Floral Day!

~ xoxo ~


Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer' - I will be back later in the week with more floral delights.

[Styling and photography © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]

P. S. Did you know that you can subscribe to receive a notification via email whenever I have a new blog post. Just fill in your email address at the top of my blog on the right.

P. S. If you are looking for more floral inspiration you can go over and have a look at my Pinterest boards. I have just over 200 boards all relating to flowers, floral styling and flower arranging. There are boards on individual flowers and shows how to arrange them. Other boards show different ways of using vases and containers. Simply click on the link below and it will take you straight there.

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