
31 December 2016

Happy New Year 2017!

Happy New Year!

Gott Nytt År!

I would like to wish everybody a creative and inspiring 2017!

I also like to thank all of you who has visited my blog and all of you who has made kind, supportive, fun and encouraging comments - I have loved reading them all - thank you so much.

Many floral hugs for the new year!

See you soon.

xoxo Ingrid

[Styling and photography: © Ingrid Henningsson for Of Spring and Summer.]


  1. Gott Nytt År Ingrid! Och tack för dina många vackra foton. Hoppas på ett 2017 där fred och kärlek får råda.

  2. Dear Ingrid, many thanks to you for all the beautiful posts you've shared with us throughout 2016. Visiting here is such a pleasure!

    Best wishes to you and yours for a very Happy New Year. xo
