
12 December 2016

Floral Media - How to Make a Scented Narcissi Centrepiece by Sarah Raven

Why not make a scented floral centrepiece for a large side table in the dining room or a big table in your hall. Here in this Youtube video Sarah Raven shows you how to make a stunning arrangement for the holiday.

This is what Sarah says herself about her 'Narcissi Centrepiece': "Perfect for Christmas or winter parties and weddings, this centrepiece is one of Sarah's family traditions passed down through the years. Made from twigs of silver birch and forced indoor narcissi, this centrepiece is stunning at the entrance or on a large table."

The video is just over 7 min long and in it Sarah takes you through each step and talks about the plants she is using.


Here is a little bit about Sarah in case you have missed my previous posts with her videos:

Sarah Raven is well known in the UK for presenting gardening programs on television, writing lots of books about gardening, plants and cooking, teaching floral workshops and flower arranging courses, giving talks and demonstrations and also for being an enormously successful business women running a plant, seed and gardening internet business.

I hope you'll enjoyed the short video with Sarah.


Thank you for visiting 'Of Spring and Summer - I will be back on Wednesday with some more floral delights. Hope to see you then. 

~ xoxo ~

[Text © Ingrid Henningsson/Of Spring and Summer.]

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1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful video - thank you so much for sharing. I do love to see arrangements made of scented narcissi, but have never had a go at creating one myself. very inspiring. x
