
16 December 2011

White and Silver Christmas

I was inspired to do a white and silver Christmas flower arrangement. It all began with a collection of small vintage Christmas baubles that I found on Ebay a few years back.

I also wanted to use a white and grey flower palette. Many of us love the white on white colour scheme even for Christmas.

The white Chrysanthemums are from the Farmers Market, the grey Eucalyptus comes from a local florist and the variegated Pittosporum is from the neighbours garden. While out in the garden I also found some mature ivy seed heads and decided to try them in the arrangement. The almost black berries were a bit dark for my colour scheme but I rather liked the contrast so I kept them in. 

While I was stripping off the lower leaves of the Eucalyptus branches I was left with a lot of pretty coloured leaves that I did not have the heart to just throw away - so I put them in a clear pressed glass bowl - vintage of course!

I feel it ended up looking very nice and fresh and really is an arrangement that would work all year around. 

My very precious and very fragile little baubles also ended up in a pressed glass bowl this one has a foot.
I love the bauble with the little smiling face and the ones that looks like pine cones are pretty cool as well!

To soften the whole arrangement I wound some ribbon around the container that I used as a vase. I used double sided tape to hold the ribbon in place. I also put a white crocheted doily under the container and under that a table mirror to spread reflections of the whole arrangement.   

Have a good day!

All my very best to you!

xoxo Ingrid


  1. Så vackert och vintrigt men åndå varmt. Jag gillade den prickiga vasen.
    Ha en skön helg

  2. Dear Ingrid,

    this is my favorite colour combination, love those old silver christmas tree decoration !!!

    A merry christmas to you !!!
    All the best ,

  3. ... Snow-white and refined as silver. I like your Christmas!!!

  4. Very elegant, but also fine as a casual arrangement. Love that little face. Putting the eucalyptus leaves in the little crystal bowl...brilliant!

  5. Vos photos sont magnifiques...
    Vous avez crée avec une grande délicatesse une belle ambiance festive...
    Je savoure avec délice du regard ce bouquet. Le blanc est si beau et pur.
    Je vous souhaite de très joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année.
    gros bisous

  6. Today's Christmas baubles have a cheap nasty plastic look. The vintage ones look real and true.

  7. I love those big white Chrysanthemums.They cost 4 euros piece here, expensive but at least they last almost forever:) A new little flower shop has opened just few hundred meters from my door, so nice. I will go there tomorrow to check up what they do have to offer.
    Have a wonderful weekend

  8. This arrangement is so elegantly classic. Winter white, meeting the silvery baubles and the silvery eucalyptus green, and having those deep seed pods and mirror base to bring the picture together...bravo, Ingrid.

    I would not usually think of chrysanths in December, but you've shown me their possibilities.

    The vintage ornaments are true treasures. How wonderful that you found them on ebay and that they were shipped to you without damage.

    So far, my little apartment is still just enjoying the developing paperwhite bulbs. Next Monday, I will go out in search of greenery, probably first from a farmers market, and then will start arranging my own increasingly vintage decorations.

    You've inspired me! xo

  9. Very pretty vignette. I've used lots of silver and white this Christmas too. Merry Christmas.

  10. Hi Ingrid, This is such an elegant and relaxing color scheme and beautiful arrangement. It really gives you a chance to breathe and is a lovely break from the intense red and green. Love the chysanthemums!

    I wish you a really wonderful and festive Christmas!!

    xo – g

  11. Beautiful photos, tnx for the inspiration. Wish you all bet for the x-mas time. Annie

  12. Merci pour ce magnifique post et bonnes fêtes.

  13. Très belle composition de Noël !!

  14. Dearest sweet ingrid, such gorgeous display and beautiful color combinations! Love love love your gorgeous photos. Have a beautiful sunday sweet friend. Wishing you a wonderful festive time with your friends and family!! Love to you!

  15. So nice, as always ! Stéphanie

  16. These are all beautiful but I especially like first two. Really lovely!

  17. Very nice photos, well done!

  18. Hi Ingrid,

    I love the combination of white and silver. It's very stylish!

    Good luck with your Christmas preparations!

    Madelief x

  19. since we still don't have snow, the arrangements above would surely make it a white Christmas :)
