
29 November 2011

Mollie Makes Magazine Review

Mollie Makes is a new British craft magazine that started this year and issue eight has just arrived in the post. The first issue came out last May and they are publishing thirteen issues a year. It is a magazine for those who love anything handmade, whether you like making things or just enjoy surrounding yourself with handmade treasures.

There are four key words on the spine of the magazine: Making, Thrifting, Collecting and Crafting. That covers quite a wide range of subjects and Mollie Makes does just that very well.
Every issue is full of information and has masses of suggestions for shops, blogs, books, classes, websites and places to visit. There are also craft projects, knitting patterns, sewing and embroidery projects, but it is not a fully project based magazine - so it will appeal to a wider audience.

The blogging world is well covered; many of their feature articles are about well-established bloggers who also make beautiful handmade things.
In issue one is an article about Tif Fussell who writes the charming blog Dottie Angel. Tif sells her granny chic textiles on Etsy and has just published her second book .

In issue six another blogger, the Norwegian Jeanette Lunde has a five page spread. She writes the very successful blog Fryd + Design, she also publishes an online magazine called by Fryd and in the last issue of Mollie Makes Jeanette has designed a very pretty calendar for 2012 that comes with the magazine.

There is an article about the stylist, blogger and photographer Pia Jane Bijkerk, the author of three books Paris: Made by Hand, Amsterdam: Made by Hand and her third, My Heart Wonders, a memoir of her life and travels.

Happy Harris who writes the blog Happy Loves Rosie, shows over seven pages in the last issue how she does vintage style Christmas decorating. Happy also sells vintage on her online shop.

Leslie Shewring from A Creative Mint does wrapping with recycled grocery bags, lace, string and washi masking tape. Leslie is a wonderful and talented stylist, blogger, photographer and teacher.

Jane Brocket from Yarnstorm shows quilting and knitting from two of her books The Gentle Art of Quilt-Making and The Gentle Art of Knitting. Jane has written nine books; her first was the very sucessful The Gentle Art of Domesticity.

Mollie Makes also shows a lot of homes in a shabby chic or granny chic style. They are all fun and quirky using vintage treasures from personal collections, thrift stores, flea markets and junk shops.

It is a UK based magazine that you can subscribe to and they also offer overseas subscriptions. All but one back issue are sold out and you can already find them being sold on Ebay. You can also buy the old issues as a digital E-magazine and read online.

Mollie Makes takes the craft magazine into the 21st century and has a fresh, new and fun outlook on craft and the love of handmade.

My only  criticism is that there is not enough flowers - but I guess you can't have everything!


Have a wonderful day!

xoxo Ingrid



  1. Den här tidningen ser ju helt underbar ut.
    Undrar om man kan hitta den här?



  2. Ingrid, I have bought some of this first year's copies of Mollie Makes, and wonder ... when will your unique talent be featured in its pages?

    It's a lovely magazine and will surely attract lots more folks to blogs that some of us already really love to visit regularly.

    I admire the creators of MM for their wise eyes to realize that their is still a very valid place for quality printed media.


  3. Vilken underbar tidning det verkar vara.. denna ska jag verkligen kika närmare på. Roligt med nytt, fräscht och annorlunda o tack för lite nya bloggar att kika på. Ha en härlig onsdag..Kram/Moa

  4. Hello Ingrid,

    Fantastic. Thank you for all lovely tips. :)
    I must try to get an issue here in Sweden, it seems like a magazine for me too.

    Love Love your pics with buttons and ribbons! My favourite materials. :) I have a favourite shop on Columbia Rd that sells sweet ribbons and string. When I was there in April I bought many many meters. They are all gone, so I really should do a nice London visit again. :) maybe you kan give me some tips of your favourite stores? It would be faboluos.

    Thanks again. Have a wonderful day.
    Love Susanna

  5. Oh, ett sånt trevligt mahgasin och stort tack för att du visar oss! Kuliga bloggtips dessutom...

    Kram Anna Vattenkanna

  6. As a graphic designer and crocheter myself, your page layouts, photos and treatment of color combinations is spectacular. It's like flipping through pages of spring, summer, winter and fall every season!

  7. Merci de partager avec nous quelques pages de vos magnifiques revues...
    gros bisous

  8. I have bought several and agree with most of what you say. But however hard I try I can't bring myself to knit a jacket for my apple! Having said that I do love their choice of bloggers and makers...

  9. Hi Ingrid! Thank you so much for this review. Of course, I've seen mention of Mollie Makes on various UK blogs but never got a peek inside until now. What a great publication! Perhaps it will be available here one day.

    Have a wonderful week. xo – g

  10. Åå det verkar vara en superläcker tidning !
    Gillar uttrycket "granny chic"


  11. Åh -vilket 'frosseri' i läckerheter!
    Den hamnar helt klart på min Wishlist
    Ha en riktigt fin dag!

  12. Hi Ingrid,

    It looks like a lovely magazine! I will see if I can take it with me next time I visit the UK.

    Happy evening,

    Madelief x

  13. Beautifully summed up Ingrid, I too love seeing all the familiar bloggers we love being featured. It would be nice to have more flowers I agree :) thank you for your sweet comment at Secrets today,
    Love kat xox

  14. Thanks for the peek inside this lovely magazine Ingrid. I love that it also includes the blogging world :-)

  15. This looks like a wonderful magazine Ingrid, and it's nice to know that there are international subscriptions. I am definitely going to take a look.

    Thank you so much for kindly sharing this here.

    Sending you wishes for a beautiful week.


  16. Looks nice, have a really nice day!

  17. oh look at the apples and the mug with the coats, in the first photo collage.. aawww how sweet..
